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Allegro Brings New, Locally Written Musical "21 Days to Save a Life" to the Stage

Allegro Community School of the Arts presents a new musical, “21 Days to Save a Life.”

Poster designed by Brianna Stepp

“21 Days to Save a Life” is written by local artist Ben Rawlins. This production is directed by Josh Vest, another local to Fauquier County. There are only two performances, so don't miss out! The shows are this Friday, April 29th, and Saturday, April 30th. The performance will start at 7:30 pm. I got a chance to talk to Rawlins and he explained that it's going to be “a blocked reading. The actors will be using the space and have costumes but will be holding the script in hand.” Since the performance space is small, live audiences are limited to friends and family of the cast. The performances will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

“21 Days to Save a Life” is about Lily Haus. She is kidnapped and held for a $500,000 ransom. Lily's father and his ex-wife only have 3 weeks to get her back before she is killed. Throughout the show, Lily learns the deeper meaning behind her kidnapping.

Rawlins explained that “21 Days” was originally inspired by one of his close friend's fight with depression. “They had described feeling like they had been ‘taken against their will by it.” The show leaves a lingering effect on audience members. The characters are easy to relate to and you genuinely feel connected to their story. Rawlins said the most rewarding moments are when people he looks up to resonate with the show and can see themselves in the characters.

Back in 2020, “21 Days” had its first performance at Prince William Little Theatre. Due to restrictions at the time, they were limited to a Zoom table read. It was Rawlins's first time directing something as “big and heavy-hitting” as “21 Days.” He had nothing but good things to say about his stint with Prince William Little Theater. Everyone he met and worked with was lovely. He used their performance to “[look] for any music or dialogue bits that either, didn’t work, or needed improvements.” It was a good opportunity to test the waters and adjust where necessary.

Rawlins took what he learned from the Prince William Little Theatre performance, made proper adjustments, and he now believes the show is completed. Working with Allegro, his current responsibilities include musical directing and being the piano accompanist. After this production closes, his goal is to find the next theater and keep on going!

By showing your support for our local artists, you help them grow and reach their potential. Make sure to watch the live stream of "21 Days to Save a Life" on April 29th and 30th at 7:30 pm. You definitely won’t want to miss it.


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